
Adventure is about finding the unusual and exciting or daring experiences.

Have you ever been at a train station or stood near a passing train and heard and felt the rushing roar like thunder? Its that power and rush feeling, a glimpse and trembling vibration from the ground up through your entire being. This is the nearest, I can define what adventure feels like.

It awakens and stimulates your senses. It’s that feeling of confronting the unknown and understanding that feeling resembling fear can also bring so much pleasure. Adventure is the unfamiliar encounter that rushes in our blood and pulses throughout our body, releasing the adrenaline that makes us feel alive.

Be it on top of a mountain or on a roller coaster, the feeling is the same – the excitement building. Waiting for that moment when you arrive or just being thrown into the action. No matter how much you prepare, there’s nothing like the moment when you can say, “I did it! and “Here I am!”.

Hike the Great Wall of China, portaging the thousands of lakes of Canada, walking a glacier in July, or willingly jumping out of an aircraft. Many adventures to be had, but what is life without a rush of some kind?


Post written for Berghaus – What does adventure mean to you?

What does Adventure mean?

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