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Cancelled trip to Egypt as per advice from UK Foreign Office, means travel here is now dead until peace is restored.
Three hours into my flight the captain announces we are diverted to Athens. Later it is confirmed the flight landed due to a bomb scare as reported by the BBC.
The rising unrest in Egypt and the peoples call to bring down the government brings disruption to tourism. (January 28, 2011)
Stranded in Athens, passengers are faced with choices of continuing onward to Cairo or to return to where they came. The UK Foreign Office advises not to travel to Egypt but the choice is still yours, the theme seems to be we are safer returning.
So I am seated on my return flight and cancelling my trip to Egypt. No Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel. Now starts the job of knowing what coverage we have in regards to the insurance policy. All hotel bookings, tours and internal flights are now dead.
Egypt needs to be set free from a dictatorship of the last 30 years, supported in part by the United States, the fourth largest aid after Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel.
I hope to see Egypt free without aid, without internal corruption from those who rule. The is no question that the average Egyptian receives very little to live, it’s more like the west treats it as legal slavery for tourism for its value holidays.
Let peace fall on Egypt and the people of Egypt, and may those who come to rule bring everlasting calm and freedom to land so rich in history.
My travels here have been cancelled, but one day I hope when Egypt is at rest I can finally return to set my eyes on its historic treasures and meet the people who will finally be set free.